New Research Suggests Exercise Might Improve Fat Storage

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According to recent study, exercise may even promote healthier fat in addition to helping with fat loss.

“Repeated exercise and maintaining an active lifestyle can improve our fat tissue’s ability to store excess energy when we do gain weight,” stated Dr. Jeffrey Horowitz, the senior study author and movement studies professor at the University of Michigan’s School of Kinesiology.

Researchers studied subcutaneous fat from two groups of sixteen obese individuals: one group that exercised at least four times a week for at least two years, and another that did not exercise frequently, in order to investigate the effects of exercise on fat tissue. The study, which was published on Tuesday in Nature Metabolism, discovered that fat cells with a history of frequent exercise have characteristics including more blood arteries, a different protein composition, and less inflammatory cells that increase their ability to store fat.

Greater subcutaneous tissue fat storage capacity, according to Dr. Horowitz, is advantageous because it keeps extra fat from building up in riskier locations like the liver or heart.

Horowitz stated, “Unfortunately, the majority of us gain weight as we age, even those who exercise regularly.” “More fat stored in our fat tissue means less fat will accumulate in our heart, liver, or other trouble spots.”

Not participating in the study, Dr. Andrew Freeman is the director of cardiovascular prevention and wellness at National Jewish Health in Denver. He stressed the need for more research on fat tissue and its relationship to metabolic health and lifestyle modifications.

Comprehending Fat Tissue

Although the word “fat” is frequently associated with negativity, Horowitz emphasized its significance. “A vital source of our excess energy, fat tissue is essential to good health,” he stated.

In the past, fat was mostly thought to be a means of storing energy, but scientists are now starting to recognize other roles it plays. “Having some fat is necessary for energy reserve, but not to the extent that is typical for the average American,” Freeman continued.

Improving fat tissue’s capacity to store fat efficiently is the aim, not increasing fat mass. Fat may build up and affect the operation of organs such as the liver, heart, or pancreas if it cannot be stored beneath the skin.

Follow Exercise Guidelines

The study highlights the advantages of consistent exercise and broadens our knowledge of its advantages. “We’re not changing the advice to exercise; rather, we’re learning more about the advantages of it,” Horowitz stated.

In order to include exercise into your routine, Freeman advises anyone wishing to start doing so to attempt it first thing in the morning.