Justin Bieber May Sue Business Managers Over Allegations of Mismanaging $300 Million Fortune.

According to reports, pop singer Justin Bieber is thinking about suing his former business managers for mishandling his finances.
TMZ report on Wednesday, October 23, the artist has been upset for a number of years because he feels that his managers’ decisions have cost him a significant amount of money.
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“It’s unclear just how much Justin thinks has been squandered — other than it’s a huge amount — but our sources say he’s discussing the possibility of filing a lawsuit against the alleged offenders. We’re told his current team is split — some members want him to sue, but others don’t.
We’re told the argument against suing is that Justin went through a period where he was spending wildly. Translation — he caused his own problem.“
Justin is not struggling financially … he sold his music catalog in January, 2023 for $200 million, and before the sale, our sources say his net worth was around $100 million.“