Pope Francis Receives Rock Star Welcome in a Major Catholic Nation, but Abuse Scandal Overshadows Visit

Pope Francis Receives Rock Star Welcome to a major Catholic nation, but abuse scandal overshadows visit. Pope Francis was met with a rousing reception in East Timor, one of the world’s most Catholic countries, where about half of the population attended an open-air Mass on Tuesday. The 87-year-old Pope’s visit marks the concluding leg on his long tour of Asia and the Pacific. The Vatican estimates that approximately 600,000 people attended the Mass.

By early Tuesday morning, the streets of Dili, the capital, were packed with joyful crowds of all ages, from elderly believers to infants in strollers eager to see the Pope. Photos show a sea of people protecting themselves from the sun with yellow and white umbrellas, which are the colors of the Vatican. At one point, a guy was observed pouring water on the crowd to provide relief from the heat.

Some guests came at the beachfront park where the Mass took place as early as 4 a.m., more than 12 hours before the event began. Among them was 25-year-old Estefania Clotaria-Monterio Gutierrez Ornai, who was determined to be in the front row.